STORYTIME YouTube channel
A place for students to sit and listen to an inspiring sport story
read-a-loud by a story-teller. The stories on the channel have been organized by grade level and include books about the history of a sport, a specific sports figure or just a story that involves sports. It is our hope that each book will educate, entertain and often provide a little life lesson too!
So teachers and students click on the orange box to go to our YouTUBE STORYTIME channel and find a sport story just for you! Or you can click on the specific grade level and it will take you to the stories in those lists. Please know we will constantly be updating our channel adding new stories and new story tellers. So make sure to SUBSCRIBE to our channel and you will be notified when new stories are available.
STORYTIME Reading List
Another element of STORYTIME is our sports reading lists. We have consulted with our reading specialist to provide a list of Fiction and another of Non-Fiction sports books by grade. We are especially excited to include chapter book recommendations for grades 6-8. Press the links to view the current reading lists. We will continually update the lists so make sure to come back every month to see what is new. Our hope is to be your resource for terrific sports books.